I have come up with a list of 14 best practices/ suggestions for success. This list is a result of my own experiences and experiences of a lot of great personalities. I have read and/ or heard a lot of these teachings, I am sure my own experiences are a result of these readings, teachings […]
Author: Shahab Jafri
Letter to Imran Khan – 2011
Dear Imran Khan Sahib, ASAK, Hope you are doing well. I hope this letter reaches you and hope you read it and reply even if it is one liner by yourself and not through one of your minders. I would like to start with by stating that I am not one of your supporters. In […]
A Manifesto For Change 2023
A Manifesto For Change 2023 Introduction; Pakistan in 2023 I wrote original blog in 2009 and listed obvious known, proven, critical steps needed to reverse the destructive path Pakistan was on. 13 years later, it is extremely unfortunate that things have only gotten worst. This is not a surprise because rather than implementing the proven […]
A Manifesto For Change 2009
A CASE FOR PAKISTAN Current situation in Pakistan Pakistan has gone through many challenges during its 63 years of existence. Unfortunately the state of the union has constantly and continuously deteriorated with every passing year. Every time when it seems we could not sink any lower, we find ourselves staring at the new depths of […]